- What It Means to Be Protestant - Gavin Ortlund
- Empire - Conn Iggulden
- Testosterone - Carole Hooven (audible)
- Sure I'll Join Your Cult - Maria Bamford (audible)
- A Brief Theology of Periods - Rachel Jones
- Any Human Heart - William Boyd
- Dominion and Dynasty - Stephen Dempster
- 4000 Weeks - Oliver Burkemann (audible)
- Three or More, Grove Booklets - Andrew Bunt
- The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
- 3-2-1 - Glen Scrivener
- Bad Therapy - Abigail Shrier (Audible)
- The Truth About Lies - Mack Stiles
- Visible Grace - Caleb Butcher
- The Message of Hosea - Derek Kidner
- The Making of Biblical Womanhood - Beth Allison Barr
- Politics On the Edge - Rory Stewart
- Like or Follow - Mike
- Munich Wolf - Rory Clements
- Song of Songs - Charlie Cleverley
- Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
- The Anxious Generation - Jonathan Heidt
- Feminism Against Progress - Mary Harrington
- 'Tis Mercy All - Natalie Williams
- The Jesus Prayer - Timothy Ware
- On the Aquisition of the Spirit - St Serphaim of Sarov
- The Orthodox Church - Timothy Ware
- Ready Player One - Ernest Cline
- You Are Mine - Sister Anastasia
- A Brief History of Thought - Luc Ferry
- Sense & Sensibility - Jane Austin
- One -
- Return to Roar - Jenny McLachlan
- Thank God It's Monday - Mark Greene
- Christianity's Dangerous Idea - Alister McGrath
- Dethroning Race - Ryan Saville
- Everything Sad Is Untrue - Daniel Nayeri (audible)
- Living In Wonder - Rod Dreher
- Practising the Way - John Mark Comer
- Metamorphosis - Matt Hatch
- Billy No Mates - Max Dickens (audible)
- The Idiot - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
- The Parasitic Mind - Gad Saad (audible)
- The Battle For Roar - Jenny McLachlan
- Jesus of Nazareth - Joseph Ratzinger (audible)
- The Thing that Would Make Everything Ok Forever - Ashley Lande
- Nero - Conn Iggulden
- Fully Alive - Elizabeth Oldfield
- If You Want to Change the World (start by making your bed) - William McRaven
- Alexander the Great - Dominic Sandbrook
- Powerful Leaders? - Marcus Honeysett
- The Fury of the Vikings - Dominic Sandbrook
- False Alarm - Bjorn Llornberg (audible)
- Dune - Frank Herbert (audible)
- Prince Caspian - C.S. Lewis
- Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
- Gender Quality - Stef Liston
- Two Views on Women in Ministry - Keener, Blonberg, etc.
- The Gates of Rome - Conn Igguldenn
- It Takes a Church to Raise a Parent - Rachel Turner
- Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools - Tyler Stanton (audible)
- God Has a name - John Mark Comer (audible)
- Guernica - Dave Boling
- The Air We Breathe - Glen Scrivener
- The Secret Place of Thunder - John Starke
- The Meaning of Singleness - Danielle Treweek
- Lion - Conn Iggulden
- The First World War - Dominic Sandbrook
- 1776: Remaking the World - Andrew Wilson
- The Toxic War on Masculinity - Nancey Pearcey
- The Game of Thrones - Audible
- Animal Farm - George Orwell
- When Breath Becomes Air - Paul Kalinisi
- A Praying Church - Paul Miller
- Never Split the Difference - Paul Voss (audible)
- Women In the Church - Tom Schreiner & Andreas Kostenberger
- The Body Keeps the Score - Bessel Van Der Kolk (audible)
- Lord of the Flies - William Golding
- Adventures in Accountant - Andrew Meggs
- Nine O'Clock in the Morning - Dennis Bennett
- This Side of the Door - John Hosier
- Abortion - Dr Lizzie Ling
- God's Sketchbook - Jake Goodison
- Gods of War - Meic Pearse
- Return to Roar - Jenny McLaughlin
- Born to Run - Chris McDoughall (audible)
- Stolen Focus - Johann Hari
- Gay Girl, Good God - Jackie Hill Perry (audible)
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - J. R. R. Tolkein
- The Intentional Father - Jon Tyson (audible)
- The Christbook Matthew 1-12 - Dale Bruner
- Why Does God Allow War? - Martyn Lloyd Jones
- The Gates of Athens - Conn Iggulden
- Is Atheism Dead? - Eric Metaxes (audible)
- The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self - Carl Trueman
- Beautiful Resistance - Jon Tyson (audible)
- Adam's Return - Richard Rohr
- The Power of Moments - Chip Heath & Dan Heath (audible)
- Fully Human - Steve Biddulph
- 1 Corinthians For You - Andrew Wilson
- Multiplanting - Colin Baron
- A Non-Anxious Presence - Mark Sayers
- Scars Across Humanity - Elaine Storkey
- I Am Pilgrim - Terry Hayes
- How To Hear God's Voice - Pete Greig (audible)
- Hamnet - Maggie O'Farrell
- Live No Lies - John Mark Comer (audible) x 2
- The Bethlehem Story - Andy McCullogh
- The Story of Christianity - David Bentley Hart
- Making Faith Magnetic - Dan Strange
- The Lion, The With & the Wardrobe - C. S. Lewis
- The Cross & the Lynching Tree - James Cole
- Gentle & Lowly - Dane Ortland
- Darien - Conn Iggulden (audible)
- Marie Durand - Simonetta Carr
- The Gates of Athens - Conn Iggulden
- Letter From Birmingham Jail - Martin Luther King, Jr.
- When Father's Ruled - Steven Ozment
- American Dirt - Jeanine Cummins
- The Promised Land - Barak Obama (audible)
- Easy Peasy Puppy Squeezy - Steve Mann
- Culture Care - Makoto Fujimura
- George Muller - Roland Miller
- Grace-Filled Marriage - Claire & Steve Musters
- Greenlights - Matthew McCougnay (audible)
- Identity - Francis Fukyama
- The Battle for Christian Britain - Callum Brown
- Walking with God through Pain and Suffering - Timothy Keller
- Dominion - Tom Holland
- Unspoken - GuvnaB
- The Eye of the Needle - Ken Follett
- In Order to Live - Yeonmi Park
- Shiang - Conn Iggulden (audible)
- The Sword Saint - Conn Iggulden (audible)
- The Atomic Power of Habits - James Clear (audible)
- People Not Pronouns - Andrew Bunt
- Boys, God & the Church - Nick Harding
- 12 More Rules For Life - Jordan Peterson
- How the West Really Lost God - Mary Eberstadt
- That Hideous Strength - Melvin Tinker
- The Boy Crisis - Warren Farrell
- The Myth of Male Power - Warren Farrell (audible)
- The Land of Roar - Jenny McLaughlin
- The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - J. R. R. Tolkien
- Jesus Revolution - Greg Laurie & Ellen Vaughn
- There is Always Enough - Roland & Heidi Baker
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Eric Metaxes (audible)
- A Meal With Jesus - Tim Chester
- How to Pray - Pete Greig (audible)
- The Boy, the Horse, the Fox and the Mole - Charlie Macksay
- The Pastor - Eugene Peterson
- Falcon of Sparta - Conn Iggulden
- Global Humility - Andy McCullogh
- The Unseen Realm - Michael Heiser
- Fly on the Wall - John Woods
- A Better Story - Glynn Harrison
- Job - Christopher Ash
- The Fellowship of the Ring - J.R.R Tolkien
- A Time to think - Nancy Kline
- Garden City - John Mark Comer
- We Need to Talk About Race - Ben Lindsey
- The Beekeeper of Aleppo - Cristy Lefteri
- The Tattowitz of Auschwitz - Heather Morris
- On the Incarnation - St Athanasius
- The Boy Who Followed His Father into Auschwitz - Jeremy Dronfield
- Guns, Germs & Steel - Jared Diamond
- The Choice - Edith Eger
- The Big Ego Trip - Glynn Harrison
- Where is god in suffering - AMY Orr-Ewing
- I’m ok you’re ok - Thomas Harris
- Games people play
- Understanding and Treating Sex Addiction - Paula Hall
- Perfectionism - Will Van Der Hart
- A War of Loves - David Bennett
- Playing God, Redeeming the Gift of Power - Andy Crouch (audible)
- iGen - Jean Twenge
- The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
- 3 Theories of Everything - Ellis Potter
- Forgotten God - Francis Chan (audible)
- Stumbling Along with God - Ellis Potter
- How Do You Know That? - Ellis Potter
- If I Perish - Esther Ahn Kim
- Confronting Porn - Paula Hall
- Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert - Rosaria Champagne Butterfield (audible)
- The Hobbit - J. R. R Tolkien
- Beyond The Ranges - Geraldine
- Love Thy Body - Nancy Pearcey
- The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry - John Mark Comer
- 12 Ways to Your Phone Is Changing You - Tony Reinke
- None Like Him - Jen Wilkens
- Who You Are When No One's Watching - Bill Hybels
- Cold - Ranulph Fiennes
- 12 Rules For Life - Jordan Peterson
- The Empty Self - Jeffery Satinover
- Bad Dad - David Walliams
- Ministering With Emotional Intelligence
- Disappearing Church - Mark Sayers
- Dirty Glory - Pete Greig
- Dunstan - Conn Iggulden
- The Hiding Place - Corrie ten Boom
- Mere Christianity - C.S. Lewis (audible)
- Letters to the Church - Francis Chan
- What Good Is God - Philip Yancey
- 'Til We Have Faces - C.S. Lewis (audible)
- Fools & Mortals - Bernard Cornwell
- Foolishness to the Greeks - Leslie Newbigin
- The Abolition of Man - C.S. Lewis
- The Problem of Pain - C.S. Lewis (audible)
- The Coddling of the American Mind - Jonathan Haidt (audible)
- Who Is This Man - John Ortberg
- True Grit - Bear Grylls
- Future Men - Douglas Wilson (unfinished)
- Shame & Honour - Roland Muller
- Prisoners of Geography - Tim Marshall
- Nomad - Alan Partridge (audible)
- Getting Things Done - (audible)
- Start With Why - Simon Senik (audible)
- Humble Roots - Hannah Anderson
- The Power of Habit - (audible)
- Twelve Brain Rules - John Medina (audible)
- The Day the Revolution Began - Tom Wright
- Kingdom, Hope and the End of the World - Ian Paul
- Things of the Earth - Joe Rigney
- Ravenspur - Conn Iggulden
- Making Sense of God - Tim Keller
- Reaching Muslims - Nick Chatrath
- The Quest for Perfection - Rhonda Knight
- The Unquenchable Flame - Mike Reeves
- The Bruised Reed - Richard Sibbes
- The Shantung Compound - Langdon Gilkey
- Small Town Jesus - Donnie Griggs
- Daring Greatly - Brene Brown
- Endurance - Alfred Lansing
- Living a Life of Fire - Reinhard Bonke
- Center Church - Tim Keller
- A Short Life of Cotton Mather
- Trinity - Conn Igguldenn
- Encounters With Jesus - Tim Keller
- How Not To Be Secular - James Smith
- Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey
- Two Years, eight months and twenty eight nights - Salmon Rushdie Not finished
- Gospel Powered Parenting - William Farley Not finished
- The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment - Jeremiah Burroughs NtF
- The Magicians' Nephew - C.S. Lewis
- The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis
- That Hideous Strength - C.S. Lewis
- You Are What You Love - James Smith
- Gospel-Centered Family - Tim Chester
- Chav Christianity - Darren
- The Churchill Factor - Boris Johnson
- Emotional Intelligence - Not finished
- The Righteous Mind - Jonathan Heidt (Audible)
- Everyday Supernatural - Mike P
- Unapologetic - Francis Spufford (Audible)
- The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Heidt (Audible)
- How To Win Friends And Influence People - Dale Carnegie
- Fit To Burst - Rachel Jankovic
- Paths to Glory - Jeffery Archer
- Prayer - Tim Keller
- Loving the Little Years - Rachel Jankovic
- The Wisdom House - Rob Parsons
- Father Hunger - Doug Wilson
- Home For Good - Krish Kandiah Not finished
- The Triumph of Christianity - Rodney Stark
Simon Holley - Sustainable Power completed
Comments: Excellent book. A great encouragement to action in praying for the sick and pursuing acts of courage.
Take homes off the top of my head:
- persevere with praying for the sick. Stories told of a man who committed to praying every week for a 1.5yrs for a woman who was sick, she recovered and he learnt a lot about the nature of persevering prayer.
- praying for the sick. Ask people to 'test it' if they can, ask how much pain they're in 'out of 10?'
- stories really build faith and expectancy
Bill Johnson - The Supernatural Ways of Royalty started
Conn Iggulden - Quantum of Tweed (fiction) completed
Paul Copan - Is God a Moral Monster part through
Alister McGrath - Doubting Completed
Comments: Loved it. The book I've been wanting to read for a long time!
Take homes off the top of my head:
- Faith deals in worldviews and ideas which by their very nature we can never be 100% certain about. The person committed to any kind of -ism has to learn to live with doubt.
- Doubt is a normal part of the life of faith.
Paul Miller - A Praying life completed
Comments: A great book. Any book that gives me an increased desire to pray is a well-received book and gift to my Christian life. I'm going to write a review alongside some of the quotes to add further comments to what I thought of the book. Initial take homes:
- Seeing the 'fingerprints' of God over all of my life. Learning to spot how God is at work in the world.
- The book was good at emphasising: 'God is a person' and the fact that we are to develop a relationship with him, a person.
- 'If we approach prayer thinking all the while about prayer then we'll struggle, rather like driving and focusing on the windscreen makes driving difficult.'
Conn Iggulden - Blackwater (fiction) Completed
Michael Reeves - Enjoy Your Prayer Life Completed
Great book. Short book with plenty to re-read and quote. One of the things that initially made an impression on me was:
Prayerlessness is functional atheism.That's powerful, right there!
Tom Wright - How God Became King half way
John Stott - Galatians Completed
Tom Wright - Galatians For Everyone Completed
GK Chesterton - Orthodoxy half way
Steve Bidulph - Raising Boys Completed
Ed West - The Silence of Our Friends Completed
Andy Stanley - Deep & Wide Completed
Great book! Lots of really helpful stuff about the importance and strategy of reaching unchurched people with the gospel and building churches that unchurched people love to attend.
Great insight as well on what makes people grow in God, something around which they have then built their small groups:
P - Private disciplinesThat'll stay with me for sure.
P - Practical teaching
P - Personal ministry
P - Providential relationships
P - Pivotal circumstances
James Emery White - The Rise of the Nones Completed
Good book. Good stuff on cultural trends, Christian spiritual narcissism and a memorable section about the words taken out of the dictionary...
Larry Osborne - Sticky Church Started
Shepherding a Child's Heart - Ted Tripp Completed
Follow Me - David Platt Completed
Stormbird - Conn Iggulden Completed
Enders Game - Completed
The Maze Runner - James Dashner Completed
Christ Our Life - Mike Reeves Completed
Unbreakable - Andrew Wilson Completed
The Blessed Life - Robert Morris
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