Sunday, 29 December 2024

Living in Wonder - Rod Dreher

 Quotes from the amazing 'Living in Wonder' by Rod Dreher:

Living in Wonder

Chapter 1: To See Into the Life of Things

Al things have ultimate meaning because ethyl participated in the life of the Creator. 

Life ebbs and flows. We feel closer to God in some seasons than in others. Yet in an enchanted society, it is easier to believe in God, to always feel his presence nearby.

If the cosmos is contrasted the way the ancient church taught, then heaven nd earth interpenetrate each other, participate in each other’s life. The sacred is not inserted from outside, like an injection from the wells of paradise; it is already here, waiting to be revealed. For example, when a priest blesses water, turning it into holy water, he is not adding something to it to change it; he is rather making the water more fully what is already is: a carrier of God’s grace.

True enchantment  is simply living within the confident belief that there is deep meaning to life, meaning that exists in the world independent of ourselves. 

For Christians it’s about learning t live as if what we profess is true. It is also about learning how to perceive the presence of the divine in daily life and to create habits that open our eyes and our hearts to him, as our father and mothers in the faith once did.

Iain McGilchrist “if you had set out to destroy the happiness and stability of a people, it would have been hard to improve on our current formula.” A formula that included rejecting all transcendent values and event he possibility that they might exist. 

In valuing only left hemispheric attention McGilchrist writes: We are like someone who, having found a magnifying glass a revelation in dealing with pond life, insists on using it to gaze at the stars - and then solemnly declares that if only people in the past had had such a wonderful magnifying glass to look through, they’d have known that, on closer inspection, stars don’t actually exist at all.”

I am convinced that the only way to revive the Christian faith, which is fading fast from the modern world, is not through moral exhortation, legalistic browbeating, or more effective apologetics but through mystery and the encounter with wonder. It’s not going to come quickly or without struggle. A pilgrimage is not the same as a three-hour tour.

Chapter 2: Exhie from the Enchanted Garden

The universe and everything in it is sacramental -  it is a symbol of a spiritual reality that both points to transcendent reality and participates in it. 

We know from writings from the early church that miracles, not message, were the prime motivator for the conversion of the first Christian generations.

Nature becomes super nature when it is charged with God’s grace… for the East God could not be grasped simply through rational contemplation of Scripture and the natural world but had to be known primarily through participation, via prayer, liturgy and so on. 

Politicians are nothing compared to the power of money… therefore the great mover of history was not belief I God, or even faith in politics but the pomps and works of mammon.

If nothing has intrinsic sacramental value, then the best way to measure the value of things is by putting a price tag on them.

In the modern age capitalism has subdued christianity… after all if contrary to Christian teaching about the world, there is no intrinsic meaning to our bodies or to the sexual act, aside from the meaning that individuals assign to it, what is wrong with a transaction in which a other consents to conceive a child, carry her to term and sell her to a wealthy couple to fulfil a contract? What is wrong with a woman choosing to rent out her body to men for sexual pelasure/ This kind of exchange was unthinkable in Christian society. Today, though, neither the sexual integrity of the person not the mother-child bond is sacred; cash and contract are. 

The internet can be thought of as a vast dis-enchantment machine.

Marshall McLuhan : the medium is the message.

If, say, the invention of a mechanical digger extends the power of our hands, or the invention of theauthomobil magnifies the power of our feet to provide locomotion, then, argues McLuhan the advent of electronic media amounts to externalising our entire nervous system. If so, we are extremely vulnerable to manipulation.

Using the internet creates brains that cannot easily remember… but also creates brains that cannot easily pray, which is the main and most important way we establish a living connection to God.

Chapter 3: Enchanted Mind, Enchanted matter

Chester: “if there is magic, then there is a magician. So, if you want to keep yourself sane, you have to regard all of this as if it were a gift for you. If there is a gift, there is love. If there is love, there is the lover. If there is the lover, there is life. It’s simple. So, you can start everyday with this idea.” 

It is better to stay in the valley because from there you can only see great things. (Referring to the mountains) 

Ockham’s Razor: a principle of problem solving that says the simplest explanation if probably the true one. 

We labor under the false belief that the most reductive account of a phenomenon must be the best one. 

German sociologist Hartmut Rosa talks about the importance of not being able to control things. “We crave control and yet it is only in encountering the uncontrollable that we really experience the world. Only then do we feel touched, moved, alive.” She goes on… “my argument is that, if I could make it snow at will, the I could never experience being called bye the falling snow. If my cat were a programmable robot that always purred and wanted to be cuddled, she would boom nothing to me but a dead thing.”

Alchemy and magic, are attempts to tap into supernatural power and bend it to human use. To pray, though, is to approach God out of love, not out of a sense of what God can do for you. 

When our main way of encountering faith is through ideas, not prayer, pilgrimage, worship or other direct sensory experiences of the holy, our faith is at risk of hardening into ideology. This is not of course to demean intellection but only to order it rightly. To talk nd think about Godis not the same thing as encountering God, of perceiving him. Without perception, enchantment is impossible. 

Chapter 4: Why Disenchantment Matters

“Like all dreamers, I mistook disenchantment for truth.” - John Paul Satre

Chapter 7: Attention and Prayer

Attention - what we pay attention to, and how we attend - is the most important part of the mindset needed for re-enchantment. And prayer is the most important part of the most important part.

“Attention changes the world, and how you attend to it changes what you find there.” Iain McGilchrist

 T. M. Luhrmann discovered that the ability to focus one’s attention makes a big difference in a believer’s ability to feel the presence of God. “People who are able to become absorbed in what they imagine are more likely to have powerful experiences of an invisible other.”

“…[a person’s attentional patterns] can alter something as basic as their perceptual experience.” Ie want to see clearly/differently, attend to your attention.

“Thinking and talking about God is not communion with God,” writes Frederica Mathews-Green. “Only prayer is prayer. Both worldly distractions and theoretical cogitating can be used to avoid the challenge that ultimately faces each of us: that we are called to enter a direct, personal relationship with God, one where he will be God and we won’t be.”

Open-mindedness can be a facade over a refusal to give up control. 

Paying attention requires sacrifices, both small and large. A small sacrifice is closing one’s laptop at bedtime to pray. A large sacrifice is submitting one’s will to an established tradition, a way of life, to allow it to shape you. Nothing is more contemporary than to go through life keeping one’s options open, flitting from diversion to diversion, “sifting” to find bespoke spirituality for ourselves. But this doesn’t work, and cannot work, because it inevitably traps us inside our own heads. 

Paying attention is a form of love.

Reality is flow… The frozen moment of a ballet dancer’s leap makes for a beautiful photograph, but it is not the same thing as dance.

“Happiness is not something that happens. It is not the result of good fortune or random chance. It is not something that money can buy or power command. It does not depend on outside events, but, rather on howe we interpret them. Happiness, in fact, is a condition that must be prepared for, cultivated, and defended privately by each person. People who learn to control inner experience will be able to determine the quality of their lives, which is as close as any of us can come to being happy.” Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (mee-hye cheek-sent-mee-hye) 

The thing is you can’t find happiness by searching for. It has to come as te by-product of some other search - a search for something in the world beyond your head. 

We pay attention to what we desire, but we have to learn to desire the right things. 

Thursday, 16 February 2023

Powerful Leaders - Marcus Honeysett

Full Online Summary of the book available to view here: 

My Notes and Quotes

Biblical Patterns of Healthy Leadership

Servant Leadership for the good of others

I read much of the work published in the UK over a thirty year period. By far the most common definition of leadership was 'leadership is influence', a definition you will struggle to find in the Bible. It is a pragmatic, secular definition, baptised and used in the church, and labelled therefore as 'Christian leadership', not dissimilar to the role and skill set of a CEO or company director, only exercised in a Christian context.

By contrast:

Christian leadership is of a completely different kind. We have a different goal: God being glorified through people coming to Jesus and becoming worshipping disciples. We have different motivation, power, methods and character.

1. What is Christian leadership?

Christian leadership is a spiritual gift.

"A manifestation is a showing or demonstration of the Holy Spirit. He gives gifts to Christians so that God will be seen."

1 Peter 4:10 "each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others...

Spiritual gifts then are given to each believer not for ourselves but for serving others, in the common good.

2. What is Christian leadership given for?

The point of Christian leadership is to shepherd the body, and all the disciple within it, to play their part in God's great purposes. Leaders are given to equip and nurture all the disciples in their ministries, not to do all the ministry of the church for them.

3. How do Christian leaders do this? 

Christian leaders are not Jesus' top generals. they are under-shepherds helping the flock enjoy and feed on God, out of which flows firm and secure faith.

4. What does this look like in practise?

Paul and his team were gentle and caring, encouraging like mothers, sharing their lives as well as the gospel. (from 1 Thessalonians 2:5-7)

5. In what do authentic leaders boast?

Authentic Christian leaders boast in weakness, not strength. [quotes 2 Cor. 12 and Paul's thorn in the flesh]

It is when we are weak that God's power is manifest, not when we are strong.

Faced with a choice between apparently strong, resilient, visionary, resourceful leaders or weak but prayerful ones, we secretly think the church wants the first type. We can imagine that they won't want us if we delight in weakness... But this is authentic Christian leadership - encouraging, modelling, parenting, comforting, strengthening hearts in the Lord and, in our weakness, helping people to live lives worthy of God.

Leaders are udner-shepherds for the glory of God and for the good of his people, feeding his flock and spreading his fame. We serve churches so that God is glorified.

Christian leadership is not foundationally about running a church or some activity within a church. Skills in organising and running a church are important but that's just a function. Being a servant of a church for the sake of the Lord means that everything leaders do is so that Jesus is exalted in their own lives and the lives of others.

Putting it into practice.

Four features stand out in helping to ensure that leaders remain godly and avoid misuse of position and power:

1. Accountability

2. Plurality

3. Transparency

4. Embodiment in the church community

Healthy Authority

Our culture is highly individualistic and places a high value on expressive individualism, affirming every individual in their self-defined identity. In this context, even historical Christian teachings and theology are open to being interpreted as coercive power dynamics. Submission to God ad his lordship, repenting of sin and turning to Christ, obeying God's word and belonging to him, biblical ethics, church discipline, any asymmetry in the roles of men and women, and obeying Christian leaders are easily interpreted as unhealthy and damaging power imbalances. 

Leaders have power and authority - and rightly so.

All leaders have some power and resources at their disposal. Whether a little or a lot, all have some and it is right that they do. Without it a parent cannot discipline a child, an employer cannot insist on standards of work, a teacher can't teach and a trainer cannot correct an apprentice.

Power = the ability to act

Authority = the right to act

Christian leaders have these by a combination of two main means:

- the formal authority that attaches to their role and position.

- the relational capital that they acquire as they serve people and gain their trust. Some personality types more naturally garner trust and social credibility.

The slippery slope

There are particular pressures that result from Christian leaders having very few (actually zero) reliable metrics for success.

Jesus in Matthew 6:

Jesus looked at the heart and identified it as nothing less than fake godliness manifesting itself through religious virtue signalling.

QUOTES from other sections in the book.

People who advance their self-proclaimed calling or anointing often do so to avoid or delegitimize accountability.


The desire for power reveals an unbelief in Christ's power and goodness; the need for control reveals some deeper lack of trust in God.


Close, committed communities do not inevitably head in an abusive direction. However, strong communities amplify the possibility of both good and harm. the better something is in the first place, the worse it becomes in the hands of leaders exercising unaccountable and absolute authority.


DARVO: Aggressors tend to behave in a the following way:

Denies that anything is wrong

Attacks the challenger

Reverses Victim and Offender


For those abused: once we are able to acknowledge to ourselves that we have been abused, it is easy for it to dominate every waking and sleeping thought, obsessively filling our entire horizon.

What next for whistle-blowers?

A feature of all abusive relationships is that people are slow to realise what is happening and when the realisation does dawn it may not be at all clear what can or should be done.


Living unobserved lives in ministry is very dangerous. We are fallen people.

To identify problematic leadership note:

Just as the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians is contrasted with symptoms of ungodliness, so James contrasts wise leadership with boastfulness, cursing, envy, selfish ambition and denial of the truth, which cause disorder and every evil practice.


No leader is perfect. The barometer is not whether we're sin free, but rather whether we receive these biblical criteria as good, and desire to submit to God, walking in repentance and faith.


The people we choose as advisors, counsellors, professional supervisors or spiritual directors are some of the most important decisions we can ever make... it is no surprise that good rulers and bad in the Bible can often be distinguished according to whether they surround themselves with wise or foolish counsel.


Helpful questions for accountability list - p118


Whether we are accountable to people or not can often reveal whether we are accountable to God.


Hard though it may be to hear, we have neither a God-given right to remain in leadership nor to be our own referee.


If a church embraces a leadership paradigm that is more reflective of commerce or the military than it is of Jesus washing his disciples' feet, it will believe leadership is mostly about efficient organisation with a chain of command and certain skills for delivering measurable outcomes.

Three ways  in which an unhealthy church can contribute to godly leaders beginning to go astray:

1. A visible results culture. 

Pressure to produce visible results can diminish the spiritual depth that should mark a Christian leader. Ask many paid Christian leaders what their job description is and they will reply, 'Prayer and ministry of the word.' Ask the church what it thinks leaders' job entail, however, and you will rarely hear prayer mentioned, because it is unseen.

2. A Hyper-committed culture.

If there is one factor that fuels domination in a church context, I would probably identify a culture of hyper-commitment. A critical factor to be aware of it that the work and life patterns of many Christian leaders are not spiritually healthy.

There is no more powerful and horrific a way to manipulate any disciple of Jesus than the suggestion that lack of total life commitment to the church, mission and leaders is responsible for damnation.

3. An affection-needy culture.

Needy leaders become manipulating leaders.


What a pastor or leadership team does first when an allegation is brought against a leader reveals whether the culture of the church is toxic.

Healthy Church Culture:

A condemning culture that makes repentance hard leads to everyone covering up and pretending to be sinless, leaders most of all.


A crucial indicator of whether there is a soft-hearted and penitent attitude is someone's first instinct. Is it to listen to victims, search the heart and seek objective external evaluation; to repent and make restitution? Or is it to self-defensively circle the wagons and come out all guns blazing?


When we cannot measure what it important, we are tempted to turn what we can measure into what is important.


the antidote to a culture of self-promoting leaders is one where leaders - and everyone else - repent often and forgive often, delighting themselves in the Lord, praying and praising him for the glory of his wonderful grace.


For Christ's sake I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 cor. 12:10

Thursday, 3 November 2022

Peter Anderson: Prayer

 Every miracle has a genealogy. 

Prayer throughout the book of Acts... devotional study idea!

Four principles for effective prayer:

1) Prayer + the will of God = effective prayer

1 John 5 vs James 1

1 John: If you ask anything according ot his will he hears us, hears us, God serving prayers

James you don't have becasue you don't ask with right motives. he doesn't hear us, self-willed prayers.

"If I throw out a boathook from the boat and catch hold of the shore and pull, do I pull the shore to me, or do I pull myself to the shore? Prayer is not pulling God to my will, but the aligning of my will to the will of God." E. Stanley Jones.

Daniel 9: "I daniel understood from the scriptures... so i turned to the lord and pleaded with him.."

We have to develop a closeness with the Spirit.

When you pray in tongues you are praying completely in line with the will of God... but you have no idea what you're praying about. 

I pray in tongues more than any of you. Why? Because of faith. it bypasses our minds, that if our minds knew what we were praying about they'd shut down the request with doubt.

"The heavens are the heavens of the lord but the earth he has given to the sons of men." - Psalm 115:16

God in his sovereignty has sovereignly decided to put us in charge. Like a landlord who puts tenants in charge of his property, he gives up his rights to access and enter whenever he wants. 

The devil had been given the kingdoms of the earth, we gave him our keys... but Jesus (Mt. 28) got it back on behalf of mankind.

John Wesley: God does nothing but in answer to prayer.

2) Prayer + agreeing with people = effective prayer

Matthew 19:18 'if any of you agree... (symphoneo) on anything together...'

A. T. Pierson. "There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin in united prayer."

3) Prayer + fasting = effective prayer

Planting church in Gambi Nigeria. 

Daniel fast. Why is fasting so effective? It is a God given mechanism for triggering humility in your soul. 

David said: "I humbled my soul with fasting..." Psalm 35:13

It triggers humility in my soul. One of the most common reasons for unanswered prayers is pride. 

Universal truth because it happens in heaven as in earth. "Those who humble themselves will be humbled, those who humble themselves will be exalted." Augustine called pride the mother of all sins: it gives birth to all the other sins.

There's a lot of nonsense when it comes to thinking about spiritual warfare. 

Jesus dealt with the devil but he never left the ground. Did Daniel have any idea what was going on? no. Did he address the angelic realm? no. did Daniel's prayer effective what was going on in the heavenlies? yes.

4) Prayer + perseverance = effective prayer

Amplified version of Luke 11. Ask and keep on asking...

Consider the difference between impetus and momentum. "if prayer is ever forgotten the revival will move from impetus to momentum." think of cars. impetus is the accelerator pedal. momentum is once we've already got going, but if we take foot off pedal we'll start to slow down.

George Muller. The great point is to never give up...

Wednesday, 10 August 2022

Multiplanting by Colin Baron

 Part One - Multiplanting and the Big Church Dream

In Matthew 15 Jesus saw great ministry success only to then leave the town and go somewhere else. Colin says:

"In Many churches today there is a Capernaum mindset. We (rightly) celebrate the good things that God is doing in our areas, and we dream, strategise and pray about how we can maximise these things. But in doing so, the danger is that we miss the bigger opportunity that is before us."

On Matthew 9 (harvest is plentiful...):

What can we do when the need is so great and our capacity to reach those people barely scratches the surface of what is required? Jesus responded by doing two things: He asked for prayer about the situation, and he multiplied his pioneering ministry. 


Prayer is vital. But prayer is not the only thing that Jesus did.

Colin says of Jesus' strategy:

Even though many people had been healed, fed, taught and delivered from demons under Jesus' own ministry, there were so many more to get to that Jesus split his twelve apostles into pairs and sent them out to do the ministry that he had been doing. 

He went from: one to six to 36 (sending of 72).

Jesus' strategy in his ministry was a simple one: He wanted to get the good news to all the villages of Israel, and he knew that to do this he would need to go to them... Staying in one place and hoping the impact would spread to the edges wasn't enough.

On the Great Commission:

The commission was never just to build a big church but to make disciples of the nations, and by the time we reach Antioch in Acts 11, this was starting to take place.

The call to reach a region really ought to be part of the DNA of every church, and I constantly find myself both challenged and inspired by the scope of the apostolic vision.

On clarity of vision and mission:

The word 'division' literally means two visions, and Jesus himself taught that a house divided against itself cannot stand.

The problem is that:

for many churches, multiplication is an afterthought...

Chapter 4: How to start new sites

There is a diagram of a baseball diamond that features the four stages:

1) Talk it up

2) Midweek meeting

3) Sunday Meeting

4) Established 

It also has a section 'Ready to bat' for new and emerging leaders and believers hungry to go.

Stage 1:

What we are trying to do through this is to unearth a few people who feel stirred by God that this is for them.

and then:

We are looking to get to the point where we have four or five people who are interested in trying to make something happen in that particular community.

Stage 2:

I find somebody who is organised enough to pull together a meeting each week and hospitable enough to create a fun atmosphere, and ask them to make the midweek group happen. They are a bridgehead for us into the community, but this doesn't necessarily mean they will be asked to lead the site as it moves into the next stages.

Stage 3:

We draft in reinforcements from other sites.

We know that in the early days people are unlikely to be attracted to a new plant because of spectacular Sunday worship services, but we do want everyone who walks through the door to experience teaching that they can connect with and worship that helps them engage with God. Alongside this we put a very high premium on hospitality and community. When there is just a small number, people have the opportunity to help newcomers feel like part of the community very quickly, and this is one of the biggest assets of a church at this stage.


Without vision it is impossible to advance. This vision can come from many places, but it is cultivated above all through prayer and intimacy with the Father.


How big is your vision? Do you have dreams beyond your own church of reaching the region in which you are based? What are you doing to turn those dreams into reality?

Part Two: Multiplanting Culture 

Culture is about the way things are done right now, and every church has a culture, whether it has been deliberately crafted or not.

Leaders: you are the visual aid that will reinforce the culture that you are building. 

Their seven cultures are:

1. A Second Chance Culture: Being quick to apologise and quick to forgive.

I have often thought about the topic of second chance and maturity in relation to Jesus' disciples. It seems like they were more 'mature' on the day they first heard Jesus' call and dropped their nets to follow than they were after three years with him when they returned to their nets out of fear, despondency and disappointment.

Great quote:

Maturity is forged on the front lines of the battle, ad so we must resist the temptation to make maturity a prerequisite for ministry. 

Colin says that they regularly say:

We have both a 'very high bar' and a 'very low bar'. The high bar is aspirational and describes the standard that we hold out for discipleship. We are wholehearted in pursuit of God and don't want to settle for compromise in our walks with him. As we look to work with believers, we recognise there are always new steps that we can take in our faith journeys and we urge and support everyone to a very high standard of love, faith and devotion. At the same time we have a very low bar of getting started. We want to create opportunities for people to do meaningful things, even when their lives are still messy (we take our cue here from the opportunities that Jesus gave to the twelve). We believe that it is through these opportunities that people will begin to learn, grow and move towards the high bar. 

2. A Have A Go Culture

Because we know that God has made promises for the future, we are willing to step out and try things in the present that might work and might not, knowing that ultimately, by his power, the promises will be fulfilled.

On Jonathan and Armour Bearer:

There are few things that drain faith from the people of God quicker than inertia, particularly when it seems like even the leaders have no compelling faith or narrative of what God is doing. 

When nothing is happening in your church, sometimes all that is needed to break the blockage is just to do something. Especially when that something is full of faith.

On the apostles' approach:

Guided by the general instruction to make disciples to the ends of the earth, they seemed very ready to take a shot at whatever opportunities came their way, knowing that sometimes it would work well, and other times less so.

Part of the reason that our churches can get stuck today is our tendency to wait for too much certainty before we are willing to acts. We often look for multiple prophetic words from distinct and reliable sources, coupled with a strategic plan and set of resources that can handle any eventuality. Prophetic words and strategic plans are good but there is also a place sometimes for just stepping out in faith with one or two others, having a go at something and seeing if God is in it as you go. 

Keep the risks low whilst the potential gains remain high.

On the armour bearer and Jonathan going up to the Philistines:

The so-called adventure with God at this stage amounted to little more than scrambling up a hill on all fours. It wasn't easy and it wasn't glamorous. Stepping out with God rarely is.

3. A Think the Best Culture

Don't write people off before they start...

Sadly, this is exactly the premise from which many church leaders begin. I can think of lots of conversations that I have had with leaders who can find a reason why pretty much everybody they can think of shouldn't take on responsibility. 

Andrew Carnegie was an American businessman famous for developing people. How did he do it? He said:

Men are developed the same way gold is mined. Several tons of dirt must be moved to get an ounce of gold... but you don't go into a mine looking for dirt, you go looking for gold. That's exactly they way to develop positive people. Look for the gold, not the dirt; the good, not the bad. The more positive qualities you look for, the more you are going to find.

The bottom line is that whichever of these we look for, we will find.

Honouring others and treating people with honour sits right at the heart of the Think the Best Culture.

One of my elders who is based in a poorer part of town, recently invited a couple of new guys to the church to join him for a McDonalds after the service, and they were visibly very moved to be invited - they went on to tell him that nobody had ever invited them for food before.

It comes down to treating people, like people.

Great John Maxwell quote:

Anyone can see people as they are. It takes a leader to see what they can become, encourage them to grow in that direction, and believe that they will do it. People always grow towards a leader's expectations.

How can anyone think the best of someone when their default is to assume the worst? 

A Generous Culture
A Forward Looking Culture
A Wholehearted Culture
A Good Food Culture








Wednesday, 25 May 2022

The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self - Carl Trueman

 notes and quotes

1. Reimagining the Self

Charles Taylor, Canadian philosopher. Coined term 'social imaginary'

I want to speak of 'social imaginary' here, rather than social theory, because there are important difference between the two. There are, in fact, several differences. I speak of 'imaginary' (i) because I'm talking about the ordinary people 'imagine' their social surroundings, and this is often not expressed in theoretical terms, it is carried in images, stories, legends, etc. But it is also the case that (ii) theory is often the possession of a small minority, whereas what is interesting in the social imaginary is that is is shared by large groups of people, if not the whole society. Which leads to a third difference: (iii) the social imaginary is that common understanding which makes possible common practices and a widely shared sense of legitimacy.

Taylor says that the social imaginary... refers to the myriad beliefs, practise, normative expectations, and even implicit assumptions that members of a society share and that shape their daily lives. It is not so much a conscious philosophy of life as a set of intuitions and practices. 

Philip Reif. Late Professor of Sociology at University of Pennsylvania:

Wrote a book in 1966 entitled 'The Triumph of the Therapeutic'. He says that cultures are primarily defined by what they forbid.

A culture survives principally... by the power of its institutions to bind and loose men in the conduct of their affairs with reasons which sink so deep into the self that they become commonly and implicitly understood.

A second important aspect for Rieff is the idea that culture, at least historically, directs the individual outward. It is in communal activities that individuals find their true selves; the true self in traditional cultures is therefore something that is given and learned, not something that the individual creates for himself. 

historical moments.

Rieff argues that the way a society constructed its members to think changes over time and that broadly speaking the different moments and social identities can be labelled as follows:

Political man. From the sort of ideas put forth by Plato and Aristotle. In contrast to the idiotic man (literally, the private man), the political man is the one who finds his identity in the activities in which he engages in the public life of the city.

Religious man. eventually political man gave way to the man of the Middle Ages, the man who found his primary sense of self in his involvement in religious activities: attending mass, celebrating feast days, taking part in religious processions, going on pilgrimages. This can also be seen in the way medieval society was structured - from the dominance of the church buildings to the liturgical calendar that marked time itself. Religion was the key to culture during this time.

Economic man. Economic man is the individual who finds his sense of self in his economic activity: trade, production, the making of money. Rieff himself saw economic man as an unstable and temporary category. Economic man gave way (owing to the continuously revolutionising nature of capitalisms impact on production) to...

Psychological man. Defined not by outward things but by the inward quest for personal psychological happiness. Rieff says that psychological categories and an inward focus are the hallmarks of being a modern person. This is what Charles Taylor refers to as 'expressive individualism'.

Expressive individualism: the idea that each of us finds our meaning by giving expression to our own feelings and desires. for Taylor, this kind of self exists in what he describes as a culture of authenticity. He defines this culture of authenticity in the following way:

The understanding of life which emerges with the Romantic expressivism of the late eighteenth century, that each of us has his/her own way of realising our humanity and that it is important to find and live out one's own, as against surrendering to conformity with a model imposed on us from outside, by society, or the previous generation, or religious or political authority.

This shift to psychological man and expressive individualism is far reaching in its implications. 

Trueman uses the following example to illustrate:

My grandfather left school at fifteen and spent the rest of his working life as a sheet metal worker in a factory in Birmingham, the industrial heartland of England. If he had been asked if he found satisfaction in his work, there is a distinct possibility he would not even have understood the question, given that it really reflects the concerns of psychological man's world, to which he did not belong. But if he did understand, he would probably have answered in terms of whether his work gave him the money to put food on his family's table and shoes on his children's feet. If it did so, then yes he would have affirmed that his job satisfied him. His needs were those of his family, and in enabling him to meet them, his work gave him satisfaction... If I am asked the same question, my instinct is to talk about the pleasure that teaching gives me, about the sense of personal fulfillment I feel when a student learns a new idea of becomes excited about some concept as a result of my classes. The difference is stark: for my grandfather, job satisfaction was empirical, outwardly directed, and unrelated to his psychological states; for members of mine and subsequent generations, the issue of feeling is central.

Chapter 4. The unacknowledged legislators

Bad ages produce bad poets and have their decadence and moral decline reinforced thereby. Virtuous ages produce virtuous poets and have their greatness and moral superiority strengthened thereby. And in this turn means that the poet is someone of great political significance: both a sign of the moral strength of the times and a means for maintaining the same.

/PART 4 - triumphs of the revolution

8 triumph of the erotic

Surrealism. The name given to a school of artistic expression that emerged in the first half of the twentieth century... there were many aspects to the surrealist project but the nature of the self and of identity was central... the foundation for surrealist though was Freud. The artistic philosophy that it espoused sought to give concrete artistic expressionto the unconscious, following Freu'd idea that everything there - evertyhing - is significant. 

Dream. Dreams were important to surrealism since in dreams the dreamer is able to be whoever or whatever she wanst to be in whatever kind of world she chooses to envisage. .. and that points to the basic contention that it is the unconscious that is thr realbedrock of the indivifusl identity, the thing about the person that is most real.  

Building on Rouseau: tge nisr authentic self is the self that is totally detached from and uninhibated by any of the conditions of material life. 

The message of surrealist thought is clear enough: The unconscious is the guide to truth. For the surrealists, it was key to individual authenticity... that which has always been assumed to be obvious [material/social realities say] is to be regarded as inauthentic or problematic.

Later Truman says: the purpose of surrealism was profoundaly and aggresively political: to overthrow Christianity and its corollariers - families and moral codes governing secial behaviour)

Surrealisms legacy... what it did was a play a part in the general and radical eroticization of modernity. It did not simply make sexual images more widely available under cover of intellectual responsibly; it actually served to help the process by which society's judgment of the cultural value of pornogrpahy changed frm seomthign bad and detrimental to something good and healthy.

The pornification of Mainstream Culture:

By the time of his death aged 91 in 2017 Hugh Hefner was a classic exampe of a hero of the anticulture... his life had bee dedicated to overthrowing the sexual codes of earlier generations and his career proved thr truth of the old adage 'sex sells'.

But consider how tame the extreme Play Boy of the 60s looks compared to casual viewing on Netflix. Gail Dines professor of sociology and women's studies at Wheelock College says: Today there is almost no soft-core porn on the internet, because more of it has migrated into pop culture. 

Interesting observation of the changes:

Commenting on American women's magazines in 1946 George Orwell made the following observation:

Someone has sent me a copy of an American fashion magazine which shall remain nameless. It consists of 325 large quarto pages of which no fewer than 15 are given up to articles on world politics, literature, etc. The rest consists entirely of picture with a littler letterpress creeping round their edges: picture of ball dresses, mink coats, step-ins, panties, brassieres, silk stockings, slippers, perfumes, lipsticks, nail varnish - and of course f the women wearing unrelievedly beautiful who wear them or make use of them... 

One striking thing when one looks at these pictures is the overbred, exhausted, even decadent style of beauty that now seems to be striven after. Nearly all of these women are immensely elongated... A fairly didilgent search through the magazine reveals two discreet allusions to grey hair, but if there is anywhere a direct mention of fatness or middle-age i have not found it. Birth and death are not mentioned either: nor is work, except a few recipes for breakfast dishes are given.

Truman says:

The desctription speaks eloquently of the American preoccupation with physical beauty, but what is really interesting about Orwell's commentary is how unsexy it is. there is a matter-of-fact nonerotic aspect to the mannger in which he describes the few articles the magazine contains and even the representation of the female form.

Comparing this to today Cosmopolitan magazine he says: the cult of beauty has become the cult of sexuality.

The Triumph of the T: 

Where a sense of psycholigcal well-being is the purpose of life, therapy supplants morality - or perhaps better, therapy is morality - ad anything that achieves that sense of well-being is good. 

Being a woman is now somethign that can be produced by a technique - literally prescribed by a doctor. The pain, the struggle, and the history of oppression that shape what it means to be a woman in society are thus trivilised and rendered irrelevant. 

Jenner's 2015 cover for Vanity Fair and the accompanying photo shoot all operated within the aesthetic norms of standard American cover girls.

Germaine Greer:

No so-called sex-change has ever begged for a uterus-and-overies transplant; if uterus-and-overies transplants were made mandatory for wannabe women they would disappear overnight.

Concluding Prologue:

What should the church do?

1) The church should reflect long and hard on the connection between aesthetics and her core beliefs and practice. 

The highest form of authority in an age of expressive individualism is - personal testimony. This concern for personal testimonies reflect the power of sympathy and empathy in shaping morality. 

Mario Vargas Llosa writes: Today images have primacy over ideas. For that reason, cinema, television and now the internet have left books to one side.

The role of aesthetics through images created by camera angles and plotlines in movies, sitcoms and sopa operas is powerful. 

The biblical narrative rests on (and only makes sense in light of) a deeper metaphysical reality: the being of God and his act of creation.

2) The church must be a community. Hegel's basic insight so compellingly elaborated by Taylor, that selves are socially constructed and only come to full self-consciousness in dialogue with other self-consciousnesses if of great importance. Each of us is in a snese, the sum total of the network of relationships we have with others and with our environment. 

The task of the church in cultivating a different understanding of the self is, humanly speaking, likely to provoke despair. Yet there is hope: the world in which we live is now witness to commmunities in flux. The nation-stae no longer provides identity as the globalised world makes it seem impotaent and decades of being told in the West that patriotism is bad have taken thteir toll... Many cities are anonymous places and suburbs function as giant commuter motels. 

3) Protestants need to recover both natural law and a high view of the physical body. It is unlikely that an individual pastor is going to be able to shape a Supreme Court ruling on abortion (though he should certainly try if he is able), but he is very likely to be confronted with congregants asking questions about matters from surrogacy to transgenderism. And in such circumstances, a good grasp of the biblical position on natural law and the order of the created world will prove invaluable. 

One last comment.

Hisotrical precedent. 

We can't look to a high point in R. Caholic or Protestant history for help. But if there is histrocail precedent it is earlier: the second entury.

In the second century the church was a marginal sect within a dominant pluralist society... the second century world is in a sense our world where Christianity is a choice - and a choice likely at some point to run afoul of the authorities. 

It was the Second century world of course that alid doen the foundations for the later successes of the third and fourth centuries. Annd she did it by what means? By existing as a close-knit doctrinally bounded community that required her members to act consistently with their faith and to be good citizens of the earthly city as far as good citizenship was compatible with faithfulness to Christ. 

Thursday, 24 June 2021

The Battle for Christian Britain: Callum Brown

Chapter 1: 

Overview and of note. The regulation of public morality was taken very seriously by civic and religious bodies. Notable was the amount of local community agencies and groups who met to help regulate the morality of the arts but also the amount of clergy involved in the licensing and regulating. 

Key names: George Tomlinson a full time secretary of the Public Morality Council (PMC). He was a Methodist preacher but he was also a man 'with a strong command of the law, both in statute and in precedent'. He wrote weekly in newspapers answering questions and explaining the reasoning behind his thinking on censorship.

Of note: it's also interesting to note the early discussions of infertility treatment. there was a widespread condemnation of Artificial Human Insemination owing to the fact that for the man it required masturbation (which was a sin) and for the woman it constituted adultery. What I find of note is the theological invocation of the medical professionals. "Even an expert on male infertility condemned the 'unsavoury subject of masturbation'" this reminds me of Tom Holland's comment that 'science is a mirror that lets you see whatever you want.' In this case and at this time in Britain's history (1948) science was informed much more by the morals of traditional Christian teaching. 

The PMC  had a large budget and concerned itself with the morality of the nation. Quote:

"In the 1930s, driven by its moralistically conservative membership, it investigated the sale of contraceptives, carrying out surveillance on shops, garages and barbers selling them"

This is fascinating to me, knowing only the licentious libertarianism of my age.


There seems little doubt that the sexualisation of the entertainment industry was intense and widespread in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. Sex was everywhere the topic of conversation and despair amongst conservative Christians. But there is an important paradox to be confronted. The sexualisation rarely delivered. A culture of titillation, innuendo and enticement by capitalist enterprise did not, in the main, deliver what clients might anticipate. It was based on what became the hallmark of British fifties' culture: casual and illicit sex was in the air, but few people got it. Indeed, os few go the sex tat this was a period of high sexual fidelity, low illegitimacy and a repressive culture. It was all a fraud. 

The shows and films had risqué titles but almost no nudity or sex.

Chapter 2:

Reviews the different cultures and moral vigilance in London and Blackpool. Whilst London grew increasingly animated about protecting Christian Britain's morality, with an alliance of (3 things) boards such as the Public Morality Council backed up by the church leaderships of the Anglicans, Catholics and Free Church Board, agencies of public moral censorship such as the  the London County Council, the Lord Chamberlin's department and the BBFC, but also with the support of the political will of leading politicians who were often driven by personal religious commitment to moral rectitude and the censorship of popular culture. Blackpool on the other hand was a town of approx. 170k people and a summer time tourist culture that attracted between 5-7 million people each year. This meant that a) there weren't the large governing bodies like there was in London and b) everyone in the town relied on the swelling tourist trade for their income and economy. This led to a greater level of permissiveness and a much reduced ability and appetite to police things.

A lot of attention was given in London to the display of sex or nudity on stage or screen, occupying a lot of time and reports and resulting in the banning of many shows and films. By contrast Blackpool was a largely unregulated (or enforced) town with postcards of women in bikinis, 'freak shows' and stripteases along the Golden Mile. 

Information on churchgoing:

In 1851 church attendance amounted for 21.4% of the population of England. In 1902-03 London;s Sunday attendances at church was reckoned to be 18.6% of the population. In 1979 in London it stood at 9.1%. In the 1950s was the first time that Greater Londoners reported to being 'never attenders' at church: 26% in 1960 but ballooning to 62% in 1981. London's church attendance was lower than that of Blackpool's. 

Interestingly: From 1905 there developed in England and Wales a policy of reducing the numbers of pubs and improving them -making them 'civilised' by connecting them to other leisure pursuits, and by the encouragement of women and also children under 14yrs to form a health atmosphere. This 'civilising' strategy sought to reduce the adverse impact of drink upon the rest of public culture and health raning from sexualised entertainment to drink-fuelled indecency... The English pub fostered community togetherness, with the piano, singing and a degree of cross-class shared space making it the quintessence of beneficent English culture - as seen in film representations of the pub during the Second World War."

This wasn't true in Scotland, who until the 1970s, employed an opposite strategy of keeping the pubs 'cut off' from the rest of leisure.

Also of note:

  • Cinemas and entertainment venues had to obtain licenses to open on Sundays and needed to give a percentage of their takings to charity. 
  • Young people congregated in coffee bars where there emerged a problem with 'coin-activated gramophone players' (jukeboxes) owing to the young peopel dancing together. This resulted in the banning of dancing in coffee bars which led to the invention of the jukebox jive of hand movement on table tops whilst seated.
  • Local authorities were charged with regulating STIs and monitored the sale of condoms.
  • 'Banned in Blackpool' became a title of commercial value referring to postcards deemed too raunchy even for Blackpool.
  • It seems that morality boards were much more animated over the censorship of sex than they were about the other abuses and displays of immorality common in art and Blackpool's tourism. 
  • It was believed/taught that 'atheism led to communism' or was an expression of it.
  • Sexual censorship was considered extremely important since it was believed to lead to 'irreligion'.
By 1963 the 'swinging sixties' was starting to surface, quickly its headquarters in London. But what historians have not really engaged with was that, immediately, those same swinging sixties were rooted in Blackpool.

Chapter 3:

A further case study of three different towns: Sheffield, Glasgow and Isle of Lewis.

Of note is the stats of church attendance in each place:

Sheffield: the figure for total adult church going in the wider South Yorkshire 7% in 1979, the second lowest county figure after Humberside (6.6%) and considerably lower than the English average at the time: 10.5% Meanwhile, Anglican church attenders in Sheffield diocese fell to 2.4% of population in 1956, 2.1% in 1961 and 1.7% in 1985.  "Sheffield is likely to have been a city in the 1945-80 period with amongst the lowest church attendance in all of the UK and with a CofE in a parlous state.

A man of note for Sheffield: Ted Wickham was the CofE industrial chaplain to Sheffield who was sent on a mission to bring more workers within the orbit of the church. He concluded in the 1950s that churches had not lost the working classes because they had never had them in the first place. 

Glasgow: 44.8% of the population attended church in 1851, 19.3% in 1876, 17.7% in 1959 and 19% in 1984. Estimates for the 1950s range between 14-20%.

Isle of Lewis: in 1984 the Isle of Lewis weekly adult church attendance stood at 54%; this dropped to 39% in 1994 but stayed the same in 2002. For comparison the next highest churchgoing area in the UK was in the adjacent Highland region with, in 1984, a 'mere' 18% weekly churchgoing. Accompanying the high religious practise in Lewis has been an official public culture of extreme conservatism in doctrine, moral attitudes and, in the Protestant areas, strict Sabbath-keeping. this has been the only part of Britain in which Calvinist dissenting Presbyterians were in the majority during most of the twentieth century.

Sheffield. Ted Wickham's comments on the state of church engagement among the workers is helpful. He puts their irreligiosity down to a long term alienation of the workers by the middle classes and says: "The  churches condemnation of the workers for their 'personal morality' produced an over-zealous mission against vicd, drink, and lack of Sunday observance, generating... moral crusades on which the social aspect of the questions was lost in the passionate warfare with sins and with sinners."

Sheffield by the 40s ad 50s was dominated by a churchless popular culture harassed by teetotalism and Sabbatarianism in which evangelism was failing convert. 

Sheffield was one of the earliest local authorities to accept powers granted in 1934 to give out contraceptive advice and, from 1937, contraceptives to mothers for whom a further pregnancy might be dangerous.

In 1946British cinema in the UK was at its peak popularity with 1.6b cinema admissions.

In 1947 the battle fo Sunday observance was dealt a significant blow by the vote in Sheffield  by 64% of electors to open cinemas which reinforced Ted Wickham's view that the city's working classes were ecclesiastically alienated. 

Nevertheless Ted Wickham remained optimistic when in 1961 he said "England, os largely unchurched, refuses to go anti-Christian.' nevertheless in debates with prominent British Humanist Margaret Knight Oxford Union famously voted in favour of her statement that 'this house does not believe in the Christian God.'

On the threshold of 1965 fundamental challenges to Christian culture were multiplying in Sheffield.

Glasgow. Simialr in many ways to Sheffield Glasgow was more religiously conservative and yet seemed to fight its battles not around sex but around alcohol. the pubs, as mentioned in a previous chapter, were not places for families (women being banned from most of them, and barmaids too) but were out of view with darkened windows structly regulated. 

Billy Graham met a good reception in Glasgow: In 1955 1.5 million people cae over a six week period to hear Billy Graham at nightly gatherings of 10,000 people in the Kelvin Hall, as well as others via the first use of 'relay' broadcasts nationwide and at special meetings in the football stadia... where on Easter Sunday he addressed an estimated 120,000 people.

Whether his popularity is viewed as the final outing for Protestant evangelisation before the secular surge, the result of his clever repackaging of popular fears about nuclear war and family breakdown or, as one academic put it, because he 'looks like a film-star , speaks with the accents of a film-star, [and] has a wife as pretty as a film-star', this Christian preacher from the states was able to turn Glasgow upside down for six weeks.

Lewis: is tantalising for the historian and anthropologist of morality, custom and community.

On the revival: In the atmosphere at war's end, a short period ensued of intense 'religious revival' amongst teenagers and young people, marked by some earlier indicative trends with accounts in lowland newspapers in 1938 of 'swooning' by women in much-disputed symptoms of religious experience. But it was in the post-war revival of 1949-53 based on the west coast of Lewis at the township of Barvas that young people at a dance were shocked into a sense of seriousness and conversion One young man recalled later being the MC that night, and being converted after a young girl sand a psalm. Under the inspiration of a charismatic preacher, Duncan Campbell, young people were drawn in such large numbers from neighbouring communities that impromptu services in the large church became packed to overflowing.

Chapter 5: Battle at the Beeb part 1

A fascinating chapter on the origins of the BBC it's alliance with British and Christian values as well as its concerted effort to make and keep the BBC as a channel for promoting exclusively Christianity among religions and religious viewpoints.

Underneath this alliance was the understandable fear over the nation's stability and the rising concern that communism presented. Communism was understood to be the social face of atheism and was perhaps another major part of the BBC's defence of preference for Christianity over Humanism and atheism. An officer for the MI5 even held an office at the BBC concerned as they were to watch out for any communist ideas.

The church held a lot of power still in the defining and shaping of British morality and values. Churches were therefore united in the common purpose of ensuring that Christianity was the only faith to be preached on the airwaves. This was to be a policy that remained vigorously defended in the 1950s.

The BBC had a committee the Central Religious Advisory Committee (CRAC) which operated in the same way that the PMC did and held power to determine what shows should and shouldn't be shown. The CRAC set up a board of approved churches allowed to broadcast their worship services, these churches were thus deemed to be 'mainstream christianity'

This enforcement of Christianity on air reached new heights during the 1940s when the BBC grew into the British establishment acting as an arm of the state. As the war progressed, religion was even as vital to the national and military morale at the a very difficult time, notably in 1940-42, and on air this led to an increase in the volume of religious worship per week and a proportionate reduction in discussion or debate programmes on religious themes. Religious doubt was being quelled. 

Despite battles to keep humanists promoting humanism and atheism off the air, nevertheless interest in religious shows dropped from attracting 56% of audience in 1946 to 8% in 1970. There was also concern from Christians that the shows weren't helping them engage with actual doubt and scepticism since they were so one sided. The BBC showed the Billy Graham crusades but were critics by CRAC members and the council of Free Churches since it was thought that Billy Graham undermined the efforts of local churches to evangelise and there was even concern that his crusades affected Sunday service attendance. This seems to be a moment where the BBC began losing its sympathy for the church's cause. 

Interestingly, as a reflection of public morality. In 1962 a series of Reith Lectures were shown on sex education, in them (and despite being carefully groomed) the presenter G. M. Carstairs saying: surely charity is more important than chastity' and also that pre-marital sex was a good thing. Of note was that the public reaction was enormous, both at home and abroad, with two thirds being hostile.

Whenever non-christians were allowed to discuss religion with Christians the rules were quite clearly stipulated: A humanist could only speak about religion when a Christian interlocutor was present and the Christian was always given the responsibility to summarise at the end of the broadcast for the Christian case.

In 1946 Francis Hodge was appointed as the new director of religious broadcasting. He proposed three rules of broadcasting: 1. God is 2. God rules. 3. God cares. No one was allowed to suggest anything that didn't fit within these rules he laid down. 

In the late 1940s and 50s there was concern among the Humanists of a deeply Christian 'revival' led by intellectuals - T.S. Eliot, C. S. Lewis, graham Greene, Evelyn Waugh, Dorothy Sayers and Malcolm Muggeridge the later becoming the most common face of Christianity on British TV during the 60s and much of the 70s. 

In the mid 60s there were 30hr a week of religious programming and yet 'not one hour, not even ten minutes, is assigned in an average week to the presentation of the views of serious thinkers who explicitly reject Christian theology.'

But things were shifting. By the late 1940s atheists constituted the backbone of intellectual programming on the BBC talks shows, radio and television. On both media they made up more than half of the brains on the Brains Trust show and were in growing demand into the 1960s. But also the media was changing as talk shows were dying fast as audiences didn't want them.

Chapter 6: The Privatisation of Moral Vigilance

As the established institutions began to close or adapt individuals took it upon themselves to try and keep the tight regulating and censorship going. This was owing in part to changes of leadership at the institutions but also the sheer weight of material being produced that required regulation. The organisations simply couldn't keep up.

The level of anti-religious satire rose a notch with the Beyong the Fringe revue which contained, amongst other things, Alan Bennett's parody of an Anglican sermon, presaging a plethora of similar material from television comics in various sixties shows.

By 1963 the PMC's lack of agility was to have major consequences as religion itself became a target for ridicule. In late 1961 one of the most popular TV shows on the BBC pilloried clergy, ridiculed scripture reading and parodied the hymn To Be A Pilgrim. 

A month later, a discussion programme on BBC television had two speakers, both in favour of premarital sex and thus silencing the conservative voice, with the brunt of argument being the promotion of contraceptive teaching in schools - something the PMC announced was 'crazy'.

Despite the challenges the PMC was not slow in trying to keep its work going. George Tomlinson appeared on television and radio programmes explaining the work of the Council, and he was interviewed at the Home Office over proposals to regulate proliferating theatre clubs. The campaign bore some fruit as at least one club (The Geisha Club) was found to contain complete nudity in its show and was consequently reported, raided by the police, prosecuted and fined.

As a result if this and other raids theatre owners supposedly appointed a full-time inspector whose duty it was to see that the clubs kept on the right side of the law - the industry policing itself. In addition, the association had appointed the Revd Vernon Mitchell, the vicar of St Phillip's Church Norbury, as chaplain 'to prevent any unethical conduct in the clubs'.

Mitchell, however, was not a Christian conservative, but rather the reverse - being cited in 1965 as bringing a 'shapely' model in tights and sweater beneath his pulpit where she 'wiggled provocatively' during worship.

In 1965 te PMC's monitoring of moral issues ended.

The liberalising of society was gathering pace resulting in the 'liberal hour' in British politics. This was heralded by the passing of the Suicide Act in 1961 (which, as well as overturning the 1,100 year old felony of suicide and imprisonable offence of attempted suicide, also finally undermined the lingering Anglican Church's withholding of Christian burial and other shaming of suicides and their families).

Michale Ramsey came to lead the PMC in 1961 and brought with him a fresh approach, addressing the Congress meeting in subdued tones: 'In matters of morality the only way of being protective is to be creative, and morality needs to be presented not as a fragile thing to be defended, but as a creative thing powerful to demolish evils and to use for its good and glorious ends things which might have evil uses.'

One key issue he reflected on was the rise of television as a power in the public life of the people:

The coming into existence of television has brought with it a whole new set of data for the moralist. They now see far more things than it used to see; most citizens live in a visual world bigger, more complex and more rapid. We need at this stage not dogmatism about the effects of this, but scientific enquiry. there is an immense field here for the scientific sociologists to investigate, and this Congress can point the way to some of the matters to be investigated.

He said that he: 'considered that too much was said about the facts of life and too little about the divine purpose of life.' This led the Daily Express to contrast Godfrey's straight talking against sex education with a picture of Ramsey captioned 'He was bland'.

Ramsey's 'blandness' was based on the theological development of a distinction between private and public morality. 

Until 1966, moral vigilance had been part of the British establishment, led by the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury ad Bishop of London with, at their side the Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, the leader of the Free Churches Council and the chief rabbi... The vigilantes were the epitome of respectability, led by titled aristocracy, and with contacts deep in central and local government, in the entertainment industry, and had been attended by huge success over decades. The end of the PMB was a milestone, signalling the end of organised moral vigilante work by the British religious establishment to combat the liberalisation of sexual representation in the arts, cinema, television and public life. 

Between 1964 and 1965 there was a changing of the guard of British moral vigilance. the new guard were outsiders to the establishment, disconnected from the main churches, with little insider knowledge or care for working the licensing system. They were bold, brash and populist, given to impatience and openly righteous indignation. They harassed the powers that be with letters, phone calls, petitions and marches, and became accustomed to placing lurid stories of sexual panic in the popular press.

The rise of Mary Whitehouse, the Clean Up TV campaign in 1964 and the foundation of the National Viewers' and Listeners' Association, is normally attributed merely to the growing liberalisation of values in broadcasting organisations and notably at the BBC on television to which Whitehouse directed the bulk of her ire during the 60s and 70s... the key reason for Whitehouse's intervention was her identification - correctly - of the crumpling of ecclesiastical moral vigilance in the form of the collapse of the PMC. The work of the PMC was passing to private moral campaigning organisations.

One particularly militant privatised group was the MRA - the Moral Rearmament Association. formed in 1921 it held to an emphasis on a scheme to transform the world by re-moralisation, led by the Holy Spirit. Its teachings centred on four absolutes: Absolute Unselfishness, Absolute Purity, Absolute Honesty and Absolute Love. Hotly contested by church hierarchy, it was nonetheless a hugely influential group whose members and sympathisers consisted of many public figures. Another group was the National Festival of Light. Four individuals came to represent the face of the NFL: Mary Whitehouse, Malcolm Muggeridge, Frank Pakenham and Cliff Richard. 

Muggeridge argued in 1968 that levels of divorce and mental sickness were higher in areas where contraception was readily available, adding that the idea that sex is needed for a valid marriage is almost 'blasphemy'. some Christian bishops accused prominent atheists of being occasioned by 'sexual lust'. Evidently, some conservative Christians strongly associated premarital sex and contraception with atheism and immorality. But unlike the the old ecclesiastical vigilante campaigners who enjoyed charmed protection from much public ridicule in the 1950s, by the end of the 1960s there was less hesitation about criticising people like Muggeridge, with newspaper letters in 1968 mocking his 'obsessive remarks on sex' and for being 'marginally more arrogant than God'. Outright atheism was still rare in discourse but the new morality signalled a declining influence of normative conservative church morality. (p175).

Chapter 7: The Sixties Liberalisation of Licensing

Change in the Air.

The lax and liberal regime of moral regulation Britain inhabits in the 2010s was, in ites essentials, formed in the 1960s and 1970s.

The mid 60s witnessed the confluence of 5 key changes in British culture. 

1) after almost 20yrs of Christian austerity's relative strength, stability and cultural dominance, steep secularisation commenced: rates of church membership, churchgoing, proportion of marriages religiously solemnised, confirmations in CofE, youth recruitment through Sunday schools and a number of other metrics of religious behaviour and belief sharply declined from 1962-63.

2) a sexual revolution developed comprising a comprehensive liberalisation - of views and practices towards premarital heterosexual intercourse, homosexual relations, the nature of sexual practises, sexual knowledge and fertility control, accompanied by declining guilt, shame and fear of social ostracism over sex.

3) Fuelled by consumer prosperity, youth culture took a huge stride in development, composed of an expressive revolution in generational independence through an admixture of music, dress, comportment, political protest in both old and new causes and access to higher education, and was marked by recreational drug use.

4) A singular and very enduring element of the decade's change was reinvigoration of feminism and the rise in demand for women's autonomy, marked by the declining salience of domestic ideology - te notion that a woman's ideal should be early marriage and motherhood. In its place quickly came demands for gender equality in total personhood - in pay and opportunity in work, education, leisure, sport and power. 

5) and much overlooked by the religious historian, there was demographic revolution fuelled by women, taking form in: the advent of ultra-low fertility (at below population replacement); diminishing and later marriage; and strong connection between declining religiosity and increased female participation in the labour market.

These five overarching trends each pronounced and persistent...

The churches - as well as the state, the press and older generations - stumbled in the face of the sixties. 

The liberal hour (between 1961-68) saw:

- the full decriminalisation of: off-course betting, suicide, medical abortion, male homosexual acts in private, 1967 saw the state approval of contraceptive advice and contraception to unmarried women and in 1968 the abolition of theatre censorship.

Surveys of notable pop culture shifts in various cities: Blackpool, London, Glasgow follows. By 1974 comment was made in the press after Billy Connelly's show 'Crucifixion':

It's such a permissive age that people are Godless and Christless, and they prefer to listen to toilet talk like Connolly's who we call manure mouth.

Brown concludes the chapter:

In Britain as a whole, the will to personal autonomy, widespread loss of personal faith and increased migration drove a vibrant nexus of popular music, drink, drugs and sexual revolution.

Chapter 8: The Humanist Challenge

 A thought provoking chapter that focuses on the deliberate efforts of Humanist and Atheist organisations and individuals to change public policy and attitudes on issues of moral and sexual importance. The chapter focuses on three issues: abortion, sexual conversation and moral reform before concluding with comments about the divided church on the issues that led to further watering down of their authority and lessening of their voice and reach in society.


In 1958 the Lambeth Conference finally gave its blessing - rather begrudgingly, one Humanist thought - to the idea of birth control.


Humanists were at the heart of the sixties' reform, leading progressive pressure groups and lobbying in parliament and elsewhere for the causes they espoused. 


The so called liberal hour largely started on the election of the second Labour government of 1966.


The work of progressive reform was constituted of a network or individuals characterised by Humanist, atheist or avowed agnostic positions. they congregated in a series of four types of organisation:

1) the small but influential intellectual organisation promoting social reform across a broad agenda - the Progressive League which had a tremendous influence amongst an elite intellectual group consisting of lawyers, scientists, philosophers and public intellectuals. 

2) non-belief sector bodies, principally the ethical societies that became the British Humanist Association in 1963. 

3) Professional bodies within which members of the network struggled to gain influence for reform ideas; such organisations included the British Medical Association, teachers' organisations and representative schools' associations. 

4) Pressure groups dedicated generally to one cause lobbying in parliament and elsewhere for legislation and favourable government policies on that cause.